Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The San Francisco Treat

Day 3 started out much better than day 2. Mostly because it started 3 1/2 hours later! Tenley got up at 8:30am and we went to breakfast. After breakfast we were going to head into San Francisco to explore the waterfront but Michelle's cruise card (your ship ID) was missing. We strongly suspect that little hands had something to do with it's untimely disappearance. We searched everywhere but could not find it. Tenley had been seen inspecting the air vents underneath the bathroom door and there is a version of the story in our heads that has her pushing mommy's card right though and into oblivion.

So after a quick trip to Guest Relations to beg forgiveness and ask for another card we were on our way to Fisherman's Wharf. We started at Pier 39 so Tenley could see the sea lions on their floating barges. Tenley was very interested in the strange creatures barking and playing "King of the Barge". She smiled and pointed and made her funny little sounds as she watched the antics of the Sea Lions. We ran into our table mates and their daughter Alex near the sea lions. Tenley and Alex had their own game of king of the viewing platform.

Next we headed towards Ghiradelli Square. Tenley was less than interested in the whole thing but there was this fountain that she was overjoyed with. She splashed the water and a couple of times tried to dive right in. Several people walking by commented on how cute she was playing the water. A few even took pictures of her. We didn't get any pictures because we were too busy making sure she wasn't swimming in the fountain.

After the impromptu bath we caught the cable car to Chinatown. Tenley really enjoyed the cable car ride. She stood on the seat, banged on the window and waved at people on and off the trolley. In Chinatown we went to the fortune cookie company in Ross Alley. All the ladies making the cookies really liked Tenley. They talked to her in Chinese and kept giving her cookies. Ten just stood there smiling and watching as they deftly speared the cookies from the press and folded them into the familiar shape. She pitched a nice fit when it was time to leave the cookie company. We went to the Red Blossom Tea Company where we purchased some nice green and white teas. While we drank some tea and learned how to brew it properly from Alice the proprietor's daughter, Tenley met a nice lady with a dog named Guapo. Guapo liked Tenley but he really liked the cookie she was eating. After a few more stops and a quick call to Shel's mom for directions we headed off to Union Square for some lunch and shopping.

Much to Michelle's dismay the Lush store had closed since the last time she was here. So she had to console herself with potato pancakes from David's Deli. David's is this great Jewish Deli Shel's mom has been going to for years and years. At the deli Tenley discovered a new way to eat applesauce. Apparently when you are 20 months old it is perfectly acceptable to dunk your pickle spear into the applesauce and lick it off. She did this several times before taking a bite of the pickle and starting over again. She ate almost the whole bowl of applesauce this way.

After the deli we did some shopping and Tenley fell asleep waiting for the cable car to take us back to the wharf. She woke up midway there and charmed all the passengers on the car. We marveled at the fact that considering the number of Chinese citizens and adoptive families in the Bay Area how much of a spectacle we were. One lady (Chinese) remarked to me that her face looked Chinese. I explained that it was and she immediately wanted to know her province and whether she spoke any Chinese. Another nice man (also Chinese) remarked at how intelligent she looked and wanted to know which province we had adopted her from.

We ate so late that we skipped our scheduled dinner back on the ship. After the babysitter came to the cabin Michelle and I had a late dinner before going for a swim in the solarium pool. We sat by the pool and read a couple of magazines without having to share the magazine or being climbed on or asked to climb stairs. It was nice.

Soon it was time to return and back at the cabin Tenley was dead asleep and looking as cute as could be. We said goodnight to Lisa and we went to bed for a good night's sleep. And thus ends day 3... or so we thought. At 1am Tenley was rudely awakened by the closet doors banging her crib due to the rough seas and the movement of the ship. Michelle and I were rudely awakened by Tenley due to the screaming that was occuring because of said closet doors. She kept us awake until 4am when Michelle was finally able to get her to sleep again. And so day 3 bled horribly into day 4.

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