We saw the Dolphin show, the Manatee exhibit, the Sea Lion show and a little bit of the Shamu show through the back gate. We opted not to go to that show as it fills up really early and the kids were having fun running around.

Tenley and Jaxon ran everywhere. They had the best time together.

We went over to the Dolphin pool and Michelle waited in line to buy some fish to feed the Dolpins. Tenley thought that was really cool. On our way out of the park we took a survey and found that we didn't actually see very much of the park at all. I guess we will have to come back again soon.

At this point, Kim left us to head home and we left to find Cox Arena to see the Wiggles. As you can see the two little ones tired themselves out and had a nice nap in the car on the way to the concert.

The concert was great and there were loads of kids. Tenley and Jaxon danced, sang along and ate their weight in popcorn. Everything was going along fine until Tenley noticed that Jaxon had climbed up in my lap and was enjoying the show from there. Her green-eyed monster flared up and she threw a fit because another child was sitting in HER daddy's lap. Never mind that it was her best friend. That didn't matter. She started pushing Jaxon until he practically fell out of my lap. Then she climbed up and continued her screaming because I wouldn't let her run up and down the stairs. I finally had to take her out and let her cool off for a few minutes. When we came back she started all over again and this time Mommy had some words with her.
The show was over, the melt-down was over and we headed back to the car for the long trip home. Jaxon, overwhelmed by the whole experience and past his bed time, passed out in the car. Tenley talked to us all the way home about the animals and the Wiggles.
I'm not sure I will be ready to make this trip again anytime soon. Our biggest mistake was two big events in one day with an over tired Mommy and Daddy and over tired Tenley. It was a lot of fun but a lot of work too. We did get some awfully cute pictures out of the whole day!